The Art & Science of Sound Healing,

Mystical Music & the Vibrational Universe

created by Darren Austin Hall

WELCOME TO SOURCE RESONANCE. An educational nexus exploring the mystical sciences of sound, vibration and music, and the profound mysteries of our vibrational universe. Herein you will discover many resources to evolve our understanding of the healing power of sound, from the Musica Universalis video library, containing sonic activations, wisdom teachings and sacred music. You will also discover information on upcoming Source Resonance Intensives & Retreats where we deep dive into work with sound and vibration.

The heart and soul of the Source Resonance Academy is the VIBRATION NATION membership portal where members can take part in the bi-weekly 'The Winged Voice' classes to work with vocal alchemy, sound healing meditation and empowerment through 'sonic mysticism'. Another membership tier opens the 'New Moon Vibrations' offering where members will join me as I share astrological wisdom on the new lunar cycle as well as a deep, live sound channelling to activate the energetics even more profoundly. Check out the membership HERE or by scrolling below.


Humanity is in the midst of a great awakening, long prophesized by ancient seers. A celestial time of re-membering our Divinity, the very destiny of the burgeoning Aquarian Age.

It is no small coincidence that during this time of re-enchantment, of restoring a sense of sacredness to our world, that we are reclaiming the sacred powers of sound and music as the artistry of universal reality and one of the most potent awakeners of our soul consciousness.

"Music is the universal language of humanity."Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The ancient Vedic sages called this ultimate sense of our vibrational cosmos, NADA BRAHMA -- the universe is sound -- and they revered sound and music as spiritual tools that quicken our evolutionary process by activating states of mystical consciousness. Russill Paul, the great yogi of sound, call the practice of 'sonic mysticism'.

Of subsequent profundity, these times of holy shift are also a divine time of great unification of consciousness and hence why we are witnessing one of the most powerful convergences that is setting the foundation for a new Golden Age: the harmonization of spirituality and science.

It is increasingly known that ancient mystics and pioneering scientists agree: sound and vibration form the very universal substratum of our Kosmos. As more scientists discover and study the higher dimensionality of quantum reality, the mystical teachings of the ancient sages are becoming more revelant to them. In a stunning example, quantum theorist, Ervin Laszlo, titled one of his books 'Science & the Akashic Field' to honour the great Vedic teaching of the universal ground of all creation--Akasha. The vibrational essence of our universe illuminates sound, music and vibrations as highly significant forces that can work with the very foundation of things.

By working with sound, we evoke and can work on the level of essence. We come into resonance with source -- Source Resonance.

“Someday music will be the means of expressing universal religion. Time is wanted for this, but there will come a day when music and its philosophy will become the religion of humanity.” Hazrat Inyat Khan

THE SOURCE RESONANCE ACADEMY is an educational portal devoted to transformation and evolution through the healing power of sound and the mystical potentials of music, connecting us to ancient lineages of healing and spiritual cultivation as well as advanced scientific paradigms. Music opens the possibility of a universal language, elaborating the harmony sourced in the universe—Musica Universalis. The Science of Sound and Vibration & the Art of Music are sacred arts that initiate us into a world of unity and cosmic truths, connecting us to the virtuous interdependence of this great existence.

In all of this convergence, we discover that which can only be called deeply spiritual: as we stand in awe of the intricacies of the universe, the magical infinitudes of creativity, we are gathered all in one robust feeling of beauty; of interconnection with more than we can ever hope to imagine. The spiritual speaks this way: Spirit is but another word for this experience of cosmic unity. To be spiritual is to be devoted to this oneness and to seek to sense and embody it. Working with sound is a mystical experience of empowerment, adventure and also fun! ‘Playing’ music is essentially something natural to us all, deeply embedded in our cultural traditions, and anchored to fundamental practices of shamanism the world over. The very essence of the word music is deeply shamanic, in fact: ‘the art of the muses’. 

“Sacred songs and chants from various religions show that we often used sound and music to intensify our connection with divinity” ∞ Dr. Mitchell Gaynor

This is the heart and soul of the Source Resonance Academy and the way to stay most engaged with all the celestial happenings here. The Source Resonance Membership Community is multi-tiered, giving many options to be interconnected.

TIER I: The Sonic Mystic


Bi-weekly THE WINGED VOICE classes that integrate voice activations with sound healing meditations.

Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7-8PM EST

∞ Access to the FULL Musica Universalis Library of videos of sonic activations, sacred music, sound healing meditations, classes and more (non-members have access to the LITE version of the library)

∞ Inclusion in the Source Resonance community (via Sereenly Communities)

∞ Discounts on Source Resonance Live offerings

∞ Access to Vibrations of Peace Collective Sound Healing Activations


Sound Healing Meditation & Voice Activation. Bi-Weekly classes.

Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7-8PM EST.

THE WINGED VOICE is a live practice class to work with the powers of sound, vocal alchemy, mystical music and vibrational awareness for self-healing, soul evolution and empowerment. In these live sessions, you will be guided into a vibrational sense of yourself and the world through working with simple yet dynamic vocal toning activation methods. Working with our toning voice supports us in balancing and healing ourselves (to make whole; holy) on the deep level of our vibratory essence. We will engage practices such as Chakra Toning, Tibetan Sound Healing, the Taoist Six Healing Sounds, Sanskrit mantra chanting and more. We will peak in an Ultimate Self Vocal Activation, visualizing our greatest expression and empowering it with our voice activations. We will conclude with a Sound Healing meditation for profound peace.

TIER II: The Sound Magi


+ Access to the monthly NEW MOON VIBRATIONS session where Darren will share wisdom teachings on astrological energetics of the new lunar cycle, followed by a Sacred Sound Channeling

∞ Bi-weekly THE WINGED VOICE classes that integrate voice activations with sound healing meditations. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7PM EST

∞ Access to the Source Resonance Library videos of sound healing music,

meditations and classes

∞ Inclusion in the Source Resonance community (via Sereenly Communities)

∞ Discounts on Source Resonance Live offerings.

∞ Access to Vibrations of Peace Collective Sound Healing Activations


Every month. Every New Moon.

NEW MOON VIBRATIONS is one of my most exclusive offerings to the world and one of the richest ways you can empower your evolutionary journey by attuning to potent cosmological cycles. Every New Moon, I will share astrological wisdom teachings on the spiritual potentials being activated on this new Lunar cycle that will inspire our personal growth. Astrological teachings will weave with mytho-poetic understandings and spiritual perspectives to help us find the flow with cosmos consciousness. I will then share a powerful Mystical Sound Channeling with live sacred sounds and ambient music with vocal channeling/Source-Singing to further activate the Lunar cycle potentials in the depths of our vibrational beings.

Every NEW MOON VIBRATIONS will be recorded so if you cannot make the LIVE session, you will have access soon after.

TIER III: The Source Sage


  • + Access to SOUND MEDICINE: An Introduction to the Healing Powers of Sound & Music for self-healing. In this dynamic online course, participants will learn basic and easy self-healing techniques with the singing voice as well as foundational principles of the Sound Healing paradigm. To learn more go HERE.

∞ Access to the monthly NEW MOON VIBRATION session where Darren will share wisdom teachings on astrological energetics of the new lunar cycle, followed by a Sacred Sound Channeling

∞ Bi-weekly VIBRATION NATION classes that integrate voice activations with sound healing meditations. Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7PM EST

∞  Access to the Source Resonance Library videos of sound healing music,

meditations and classes

∞ Inclusion in the Source Resonance community (via Sereenly Communities)

∞ Discounts on Source Resonance Live offerings.

∞ Access to Vibrations of Peace Collective Sound Healing Activations

“Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attunement with the Cosmic Vibration or The Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1”



VIBRATIONS OF PEACE is an offering of sacred activism that occurs monthly and is accessible to all. It involves harnessing and exploring the powers of unity consciousness by uniting us in coherent meditation and then into collective prayer and sound. I was inspired to initiate Vibrations of Peace some years ago through the work of the eminent Lynn McTaggart and specifically her book THE POWER OF EIGHT. Lynn's amazing books illuminate the convergence of science and spirituality and the untapped powers of human consciousness. Through her experiments, she has discovered that when eight or more people come together in collective coherence, a profound force is unleashed of united power. This has also been proven by many experiments involving collective meditation and prayer.

Vibrations of Peace will happen monthly on live streams on Facebook or Instagram. It entails 30 minutes of meditation, prayer and collective toning to direct positive energy to our world.

Cosmic salutations! My name is Darren Austin Hall and I'm the creator of the Source Resonance Academy. I've been working professional in the field of Sound Healing for almost two decades and have been a mystical musician most of my life. It is one of my greatest passions to share the profound wisdom of this paradigm, as it captivated me so many years ago. I truly believe the healing power of sound and music is changing the world, raising our collective vibrational resonance, as we make this holy shift into a new stage of consciousness.

THE SOURCE RESONANCE ACADEMY is devoted to initiating humanity into both these ancient arts and novel sciences, giving us incredible vibrational tools to embody the magnificent empowerments that we are experiencing currently and for the many years to come.

Source Resonance is a nexus for the rigours of training in the Sound Healing field, while also be a place for collective exploration of the many wonders that are being revealing in our developing sense of the universal field of vibrational reality.

I have developed several pathways of learning and engagement to serve all manner of interests, from dynamic trainings and retreats, to experiences of mystical music and the growing of the Source Resonance community worldwide.

I look forward to serving you as a humble guide during this most exciting age of activation. As we say in the academy:



"Connection is one of the most fundamental of human needs. The Source Resonance Intensive establishes a safe space for that connection to occur. It will allow you to reconnect with your soul, inspire you, free you, touch you, and allow you to return to unconditional self-love. It will invite you to dig deep, release and love yourself and everything around you again, genuinely and authentically.   It will allow you to expose the beauty of your soul at its best, raw, unapologetic, and real.   Every day will be a gift. Every meal, a reverence. Every morning, a delightful ritual.   You will learn more than how to make beautiful sounds that heal your spirit, but also create and incorporate loving rituals into your daily existence.   To say that it’s life-changing, doesn’t even begin to express what an incredible journey this was for me.   Definitely, not your average workshop, not your average facilitator, not your average anything. Every moment, every detail, was conscious, yet flowing and loving."

-- Gaby Cano, RMT, Reiki Master, CST, CCH Toronto, Canada

"To describe a sound bath healing from Darren Austin Hall is not possible to capture in just one sentence. As a sound healer myself, I have never experienced a sound healing so profoundly moving. His music penetrates your very being and holds your soul in a cradle of love as if you have been waiting for this moment your entire life. His voice takes you to far away distant lands, places that you know you have been and are meant to visit once again.  It is the culmination of your ancestors and guides coming together, reuniting in one place, one moment in time, all to embrace you at once and in that moment, you realize…you are finally HOME. This realization shakes you to the core as the feeling of finally belonging and finding that inner-peace is overwhelming. I am grateful to have received this most gracious gift and as a spiritual being living this human experience, am grateful to Darren for sharing his gifts with the world." -- Claudia Ivette

"Darren is a majestic lion of a leader.  He is strong, compassionate, wise, and consciously vulnerable, which invites open heartedness in me and in others from what I witnessed.  I attended Source Resonance expecting to learn a lot about sound healing from an experienced guide.  That happened.  He took us through many modalities with rigour, giving us a chance to embody his teaching by trying them out and receiving feedback. But I also got so much more. Darren’s wisdom goes beyond that of a practitioner.  He is a resonator who resonates out transformative vibes with his belief and his commitment.   The experience was transformative for me and for many others.  I learned not only about the vibrations of the instruments, but about the vibrations within my bones and my voice.  I moved through fear, reaching for what was on the other side, riding waves of sound from smallness to openness.     Darren is generous.  He does not guard his “secrets”  He shares his knowledge openly and is legitimately interested in the growth of younger trees around him.     He facilitated the entire group building and feeling connected to everyone.   Posada is a magical place.  It is a water sanctuary, and a sanctuary for all people who desire to discover their own flow.  It is a place to open and integrate.  The surrounding forrest, the river,  all feel holy and uplifting.  The food was excellent always.  That is not an exaggeration.  And Darren is a leader."